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HP deskjet 1280 Driver Download for Windows 11, 10, 7, 8, 8.1, Vista, XP

HP Deskjet 1280 Driver Download

for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1, Windows 10, 11, Server 2008, to 2022, Linux and Mac OS.



How to Download HP 1280 Drivers

Follow the following instructions to download the drivers.

Step 1: Determine the operating system version & system type.
Step 3: Download the driver from the below download list.

We have listed all the latest drivers for the HP Deskjet 1280 Series printer here. Below, you can choose your “operating system” and “System type (32 or 64-bit)” and then click on their Download link to download the driver where you want to save it on your computer. Click Save and wait until the download is complete.

HP Deskjet 1280 Driver Download Links


How to Install HP deskjet 1280 printer in Windows 10 manually using basic driver (.inf driver)

The video tutorial has been made on Windows 10, but you can follow the same steps for Windows 7, 8, Vista, and Server as well.

Windows 10 doesn’t support (Not compatible) HP deskjet 1280 printer. However, we have a basic driver that will work on Windows 10 OS as well. Please watch this video tutorial on how to setup an HP 1280 printer on Windows 10.

HP deskjet 1280 Printer Description:

With the HP deskjet 1280 Printer, you can print on a multitude of mediums from thick card stock to standard stationary and make glossy photo prints. The printer can hold up to 150 sheets of paper and has a duty cycle of 5,000 pages per month. If you need to alter a document, you can reduce or enlarge it easily by using the printer’s Smart Software.

HP deskjet 1280 driver download and installation guide should be easy to follow when using the wizard. During this process you can download printer software and potentially uninstall then reinstall the driver (if you have attempted before). Please note that this will be the latest driver upgrade available and is driver compatible with Windows XP – 32bit, 64bit Windows vista – 32bit, 64bit Windows 7 – 32bit, 64bit Windows 8 – 32bit, 64bit and Windows 8.1 – 32bit, 64bit. This printer driver download may conflict with Mac OS X v10.6 Snowleopard, OS X v10.7 Lion, or OS X v10.8 Mountain Lion. Follow the next paragraph to download the HP Deskjet 1280 Printer driver.

The above given step-by-step instructions will help you install your HP deskjet 1280 Printer Driver, but the process is pretty easy. Simply find your OS from the drop-down list and click on the “download” button on the right. Once the download begins, a screen will pop up asking if you would like to save or open the file, please click save. Once the download is complete, the installation wizard will walk you through the finalizing process.

For any driver issues, go to the HP Support Center or call the HP customer support number

Questions & Answers

Q: pilotes imprimante HP Deskjet 1280 pour Windows 8.

A: Only a basic driver is available for HP Deskjet 1280 Windows 8 operating system. Here's its download link. And here's the guide on how to install this basic driver on your computer.

Q: I want Windows7 Hp DeskJet 1280 printer driver full setup.

A: Full feature driver is not available — Sorry to say but the only basic driver is available for Windows 7 OS.

Q: Thank you in advance for providing the hp 1280 deskjet driver for windows 7 because I already have the installation CD was working on my laptop on windows XP but I changed to desktop now operating on windows 7 but doesn't work so please send me the driver software and I'm grateful to your service.

A: You're most welcome!! Here's the HP Deskjet 1280 printer driver as you requested. It would be a BASIC driver, so you'll have to install it manually. Click here to watch a  video tutorial on how to install HP Deskjet 12580 basic driver manually. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Download Link:

Q: cant install the driver printer hp deskjet 1280 on window 7 32 bit after downloading..why?

A: You couldn't not install the HP 1280 driver on your windows 7 because the driver you have downloaded is a basic driver, it doesn't install automatically. So you'll have to install it manually. We are giving you a video tutorial how to install HP 1280 driver manually.

Download HP 1280 basic driver from here for Windows 7 32-bit.

Q: I had my very old, 2004, hp 1280 serial no CN4CK95128 running on my windows 7 64bit acer aspire z5763 but it needed major surgery and repair and needs complete reloading, only the printer to go. I had a big fight to get it working originally, 2012! I am not succeeding now, I have either lost or did not keep the download that worked. Can you help? Mary

A: Usually, the Windows 7 get the HP deskjet 1280 drivers automatically from when you connect it. But, if it doesn't work then try the following two methods.

Method 1:

  • Step 1: Uninstall the printer driver from the device manager and then unplug the USB cable of the printer.
  • Step 2: Reboot your computer.
  • Step 3: After boot, connect the printer's USB cable. It should auto-install the drivers. If this doesn't work then follow method 2.

Method 2:

  • Step 1: Download the HP deskjet 1280 basic driver from this download link.
  • Step 2: Install this basic driver on your computer manually. Watch a video tutorial on how to install HP 1280 driver manually on windows-based computers.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Q: Hello, I don't get a driver for iMac os x 10.9.5 to print with HP Deskjet 1280 printer. Please help me out. Thanks.

A: Sorry to say but there is no driver available for Mac OS version 10.9.5. Not available even on its official download page.
We advise you to use Mac 10.5 version driver for Mac 10.9.5; it should work. If it doesn't work, then you have to update your Mac OS to its latest 10.14 Mojave version. Make sure your printer should be connected and turned ON during the update.


Q: I have a printer (HP Desk jet 1280) which is A3 Size and i want to install it on my laptop which is running windows 10 64 bit, so i have searched HP website and other websites to find it, but i could not find any drivers for the mentioned printer. please kindly help me and send the appropriate drivers to me as soon as possible.

A: Sorry to say, but HP deskjet1280 Windows 10 driver is not available even on HP official website. We have checked on HP official website for its supported OS, whether the hp 1280 printer supports Windows 10 or not. We found that the printer doesn't support windows 10 OS. But you can try an additional driver option, through windows update driver.
Please see the screenshot below.

Try the following basic drivers once:

You will have to install this driver manually.

  • Download HP 1280 basic driver for All Windows 32bit OS.
  • Download HP 1280 basic driver for All Windows 64bit OS.

Click here to learn how to install the HP Deskjet 1280 printer driver on windows 10 using Windows Update.


Q: please give me driver for window 7 32 bit

A: Windows 7 driver is not available for download. You have to update your windows while connecting the printer to the computer through USB cable. Make sure the printer is turned ON during the update.

We suggest you to please install the following basic drivers:

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